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Publications written in the year 2008

Németh, A., Matzarakis, A., Schlanger, V., Katona, A., 2008: Variations of thermal bioclimate and its influence to the tourism in the Lake Balaton Tourism Region (Hungary). Proceedings 18th International Congress on Biometeorology, Tokio 22-26 September 2008, 1-4.

Nastos, P., Matzarakis, A., 2008: Variability of tropical days over Greece within the second half of the twentieth century. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 93, 75-89.

Matzarakis, A., Tinz, B., 2008: Tourismus an der Küste sowie in Mittel und Hochgebirge: Gewinner und Verlierer. J. Z. Lozán, H. Graßl, G. Jendritzky, L. Karbe, K. Reise (Eds) Warnsignal Klima: Gesundheitsrisiken Gefahren für Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen. GEO/Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, 247-252.

Amiranashvili, A. Matzarakis, A., Kartvelishvili, L. , 2008: Tourism climate index in Tbilisi . Transactions of the Georgian Institute of Hydrometeorology 115, 1-4 .

Lin, T.-P., Matzarakis, A., 2008: Tourism climate and thermal comfort in Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan. International Journal of Biometeorology 52, 281-290.

Matzarakis, A., Matuschek, O., Neumcke, R., Rutz, F., Zalloom, M., Endler, C., 2008: Tools for biometeorological and climatological studies. Proceedings 18th International Congress on Biometeorology, Tokio 22-26 September 2008, 1-4.

Matzarakis, A., Andrade, H., Alcoforado, M. J., 2008: Thermal bioclimatic maps for Portugal. Alcoforado, M. J., Andrade, H., Lopes, A., Oliviera, S. (Eds), Estudos sobre Cidades e Alterações Climáticas, Relatorio 8, 37-45.

Rudel, E., Matzarakis, A., Neumcke, R., Endler, E., Koch, E., 2008: The future bioclimatic conditions in Austria under the aspect of climate change scenarios. Proceedings 18th International Congress on Biometeorology, Tokio 22-26 September 2008, 1-4.

Nastos, P., Matzarakis, A., 2008: The effect of air temperature and the thermal index PET on mortality in Athens, Greece. Proceedings 18th International Congress on Biometeorology, Tokio 22-26 September 2008, 1-4.

Gärnter, S., Reif, A., Xystrakis, F., Sayer, U., Bendagha, N., Matzarakis, A., 2008: The drought tolerance limit of Fagus sylvatica forest on limestone in southwestern Germany. Journal of Vegetation Science 19, 757-768.

Lin, T.-P., Andrade, H., Hwang, R.-L., Oliveira, S., Matzarakis, A., 2008: The comparison of thermal sensation and acceptable range for outdoor occupants between Mediterranean and subtropical climates. Proceedings 18th International Congress on Biometeorology, Tokio 22-26 September 2008, 1-4.

Zaninovic, K., Matzarakis, A., 2008: The Biometeorological Leaflet - Meteorological Information for Tourism Industry. Proceedings 18th International Congress on Biometeorology, Tokio 22-26 September 2008, 1-4.

Stößel, U., Matzarakis, A., 2008: Soziale und psychische Folgen des Klimawandels sowie ihre Wahrnehmung und Bewertung durch den Menschen. J. Z. Lozán, H. Graßl, G. Jendritzky, L. Karbe, K. Reise (Eds) Warnsignal Klima: Gesundheitsrisiken Gefahren für Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen. GEO/Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, 126-131.

Matzarakis, A., 2008: Relevance of thermal bioclimate for tourism in Japan. Global Environmental Research 12, 129-136.

Matzarakis, A., Rutz, F., 2008: RayMan: A tools for research and education in applied climatology. Proc. 8th Conference on Meteorology-Climatology-Atmospheric-Physics (COMECAP 2006),161-168.

Katsoulis, V. D., Pnevmatikos, J. D., Matzarakis, A., 2008: Potential predictability of rainfall in the Greek region. 9th Conference on Meteorology-Climatology-Atmospheric-Physics (COMECAP 2008), 369-376.

Matzarakis, A., Röckle, R., Richter, C.-J., Höfl, H.-C. , Steinicke, W., Streifeneder, M., Mayer, H., 2008: Planungsrelevante Bewertung des Stadtklimas – Am Beispiel von Freiburg im Breisgau. Gefahrstoffe – Reinhaltung der Luft 68, 334-340.

Matzarakis, A., Amelung, B., 2008: Physiologically Equivalent Temperature as indicator for impacts of climate change on thermal comfort of humans. M. C. Thomson, R. Garcia-Herrera, M. Beniston (eds.), Seasonal Forecasts, Climatic Change and Human Health. Advances in Global Change Research 30, Springer-Sciences and Business Media, 161-172.

Matzarakis, A., 2008: Klimawandel und Städte – Stadtklimatischer Einfluss von Bäumen. Osnabrücker Baumpflegetage – Aktiv für Bäume. 30. Sept. und 1. Okt. 2008. III, 1-24.

Matzarakis A, Mayer H., 2008: Importance of urban meteorological stations - the example of Freiburg, Germany. Ber. Meteor. Inst. Univ. Freiburg 17, 119-128.

Nastos, P., Matzarakis, A., 2008: Human-Biometeorological Effects on Sleep Disturbances in Athens, Greece: A Preliminary Evaluation. Indoor and Built Environment 17, 535-542.

Matzarakis, A., Nastos, P., 2008: Heat waves in Athens. Proc. 8th Conference on Meteorology-Climatology-Atmospheric-Physics (COMECAP 2006), 153-160.

Matzarakis, A., Nastos, P., Gessner, U., 2008: Gefühltes Wetter und Erkältungskrankheiten. MMW-Fortschritte in der Medizin 150, Originalien Nr. IV, 166-170.

Blazejczyk, K., Matzarakis, A., 2008: Evaluation of climate from the point of view of recreation and tourism. Proceedings 18th International Congress on Biometeorology, Tokio 22-26 September 2008, 1-4.

Matzarakis, A., Endler, C., 2008: Die Winter werden kürzer, die Sommer länger: Wie der Klimawandel im Schwarzwald Tourismus und Erholung beeinflussen kann. Der Schwarzwald 4/2008, 6-8.

Matzarakis A, Mayer H., 2008: Dependence of the thermal urban climate on morphological variables. Ber. Meteor. Inst. Univ. Freiburg 17, 129-139.

Endler C, Matzarakis A., 2008: Climatic tourism potential in the North Sea and Black Forest region - a comparison between REMO and DWD data. Ber. Meteor. Inst. Univ. Freiburg 17, 179-189.

Lin, T.-P., 2008: Climate-tourism Analysis and Application of Tourists Flow Forecast in Taiwan. Proceedings 18th International Congress on Biometeorology, Tokio 22-26 September 2008, 1-4.

Matzarakis, A., Endler, C., 2008: Climate change and tourism in Germany – North Sea and Black Forest. Proceedings 18th International Congress on Biometeorology, Tokio 22-26 September 2008, 1-4.

Nastos, P., Matzarakis, A., 2008: Bioclimatic conditions, trends and variability at the campus of Athens. Proc. 9th Conference on Meteorology-Climatology-Atmospheric-Physics (COMECAP 2008), 925-932.

Matzarakis, A., Nastos, P., Karatarakis, N., Sarantopoulos, A., 2008: Analysis of tourism potential for Crete. Proc. 8th Conference on Meteorology-Climatology-Atmospheric-Physics (COMECAP 2006),146-152.